Club meetings in a COVID-19 World

02 Feb
Club meetings in a COVID-19 World

This post provides club members and guests with what is required by our venue before any meeting or event may begin. Please ensure that you have read this post in full before you attend any MoB event.


To hold meetings we must have a COVID Safe plan.

We have taken advice from the Eastwood Leisure Complex to form our COVID Safe Plan. This plan ensures that the club is in-line with DHHS, State Government and local (Eastwood Leisure Complex) policies.

Victorian State Government advice

Primarily, the advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer remains:

  • If you are feeling unwell, no matter how mild the symptoms, get tested.
  • Once you get tested stay at home until you receive a negative result.

Secondly, you must always comply with the following 3 basic preventive measures:

  • Maintain at least 1.5 metre distance from others, and wear a mask if you cannot guarantee this distance
  • Cover a sneeze or cough with a tissue or bent elbow, and immediately dispose of the tissue in a closed-lid bin. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, or with a hand sanitiser

Eastwood Leisure Complex (local) requirements

  1. Before entry to Eastwood Leisure Complex, all participants will be asked whether they feel unwell and if they have been in contact with a positive COVID19 diagnosed person
    1. Should a participant answer yes to either question they will not be permitted entry
  2. Whenever masks are mandatory in the state of Victoria, they must be worn within the centre
  3. We are currently using the QR code system for contact tracing within the centre which allows for a higher capacity
    1. Anyone who cannot access this must be kept on a paper contact register by the group for a minimum of 28 days
    2. The register must record the date of activity, name of participant and their contact telephone number
  4. On entry to the room
    1. participants will be required to use hand sanitiser which will be provided by the group
  5. Room Capacities must be followed, and safe distancing is required
  6. Rooms to be set up with a minimum of 1.5 metres between tables and chairs.
  7. At the end of the session, Groups must sanitise all touch surfaces including
    1. door handles,
    2. light switches and etc,. and
    3. tables, and chairs
  8. No refreshments to be shared by groups
    1. Eastwood Leisure Complex kitchen facilities are not available for use by any Groups
  9. Access to rooms is available no earlier than 10 minutes prior to commencement of activity or meeting
    1. Participants must exit the Centre promptly as there is no congregating in common areas

Meeting Procedure

The maximum number of people who may attend any MoB monthly meeting is: 20

All members attending a meeting must reserve a place. While we do not expect to exceed the room capacity, numbers of likely attendees must be managed so as not to breach room capacities. To reserve your place at a monthly meeting or event please contact: Mark Pilbeam (0412 272 524)

If you change your mind, or cannot otherwise attend, please advise Mark Pilbeam, on the contact number above. This ensures that other members who may be wanting to attend can do so.
  • Once the capacity of the room is reached no further attendees will be allowed.
  • If you attend without notifying (name of person) you may be turned away so as not to breach the room capacity.


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Posted by on February 2, 2021 in Club, Monthly Meeting, Site, Updates


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